Guide to Gaining Control Over Your Corporate Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs for large U.S. employers will rise by about six percent in 2020 if they don’t make any cost management adjustments. A six percent increase is roughly the same increase faced by employers each year since 2015 and is lower than the steep increases faced throughout the 2000s. Yet, this increase outpaces general inflation — forcing employers to implement strategies to reduce healthcare costs.

In our Guide to Gaining Control Over Your Corporate Healthcare Costs, we’ll cover key considerations for reducing employer healthcare costs, including:

  • Creating a culture of health
  • Controlling prescription drug costs
  • Implementing an onsite clinic, and
  • Monitoring utilization rates of health programs
Corporate Healthcare Costs

A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Health & Wellness

Every HR professional, company president, and CEO can tell you that healthy employees are a good thing. But why? How does having healthy employees impact your company’s bottom dollar and what can employers do to keep everybody healthy?

Employee Health and Wellness

Click here to email yourself a copy of “A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Health and Wellness” right to your inbox!

This comprehensive guide to employee health and wellness will answer those questions and dive into the following topics: